Moving on in our series on finding hidden assets, it’s important to pause a moment. We are discussing here the “hard cases” the cases where you have to involve a debt collection attorney because the debtor is not simply past due, but is actively trying to hide assets. What we’d like to avoid is the perception that all debt collection cases get to this stage. The better you manage your receivables and credit policy, and the better you police your debtors, the less this type of heavy lifting is needed. There comes a time though when the gloves come off, and you head to court.
The first step to searching for assets is to do your research on the person or business. Do this before searching public documents. You should obtain the person’s full name and usually their primary home address as well. A social security number can be used to ensure that the person is who they say they are. You will want to know as much as you can about the person including his/her employer, birthdate, and whom he/she is closest with. This may come in handy later as many people try to hide assets by putting them under a relative’s or close friend’s name. If a large property is changed to someone else’s name, there should be documentation of this action in your county’s deed transfer files.
Taroff & Taitz is Long Island’s premier debt collection attorney. We represent creditors in many actions, from debt collection to bankruptcy. Call today if you are having issues with debtors hiding assets, or for any other matter in which your rights as a creditor are being infringed on.
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