Updating Your Will After Divorce
Naming a guardian for your minor child –
Naming a guardian is a deeply personal decision, but there are a few things that should be considered regardless:
- How many minor children do you have? It is important to name them each individually in your will, do not assume that the court will automatically send them all to the same home.
- How old is the guardian? If your chosen guardian is too old, they may not be up to the physical demands of raising your children. Another thing to consider is how much longer your chosen guardian is expected to live.
- Does the guardian have children of their own? It should be preferable to name a guardian that has experience raising children of their own.
- Is your chosen guardian financially stable enough to raise kids? Raising Children is a large financial commitment that not everyone is able to make. It is best to ensure that your chosen guarding has the means to support your children.
- Will your children have to change schools? It is hard enough for a child to lose their parents, it is best not to make them have to change schools as well. If this is unavoidable, you should research each of the schools in your chosen guardian’s area to make sure they go to a nice one.
A key reason that many parents of young children make wills is to name a guardian, who would raise their children in the unlikely event neither parent could. If you have kids under 18, that’s probably one reason you want to make a will.
When naming a guardian, make sure that you and your ex-spouse are on the same page about who this will be. This way, you avoid any future conflict in your wills should you both be deceased. If this is not possible for any reason, Taroff & Taitz, LLP’s estate planning attorneys are skilled in all manner of will, trust, & estate litigation. Contact Taroff & Taitz, LLP today. Our attorneys are here to give you the guidance you need.
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